Eine Dokumentation.

Black German-language fiction has a long and formidable tradition that has been brought to life in various different literary tendencies—exemplified by Dualla Misipo’s novel Der Junge aus Duala(The Boy from Douala, written in the late 1920s) and current works by Black authors, which are having an ever-greater impact. The idea behind Resonance – A Festival of Black German-Language Fiction was to show the traditions, influences, and references that inspire authors from the African diaspora writing in German. As part of the three-day festival, six up-and-coming Black authors presented texts written especially for the event that had been prompted by the word Erbe (“Heritage”). In ad-dition to the short stories, the book includes the jury discussions, the introductory and concluding talks, and the opening address by Peace Prize winner Tsitsi Dangarembga.

Texte von: Joe Otim Dramiga, Raphaëlle Red, Bahati Glaß, Melanelle B. C. Hémêfa, Winni Atiedo Modesto, Dean Ruddock, Tsitsi Dangarembga, Pierrette Herzberger-Fofana, Nouria Asfaha, Ada Diagne

Jurykommentare und Einordnungen von: Elisa Diallo, Ibou Coulibaly Diop, Dominique Haensell, Aminata Cissé Schleicher

Teil der Publikation ist meine Kurzgeschichte „pareidolie“.

Herausgegeben von Jeannette Oholi, Sharon Dodua Otoo und den Ruhrfestspielen.
Im Verlag Spector Books (ISBN 978-3-95905-654-0).

Resonanzen – Schwarzes Literaturfestival.